Sunday, May 9, 2021

Angry Birds (Part 6)

Angry Birds

(Part 6)

*Please use desktop mode here in order to find link of codes*

JSON and API Calls:

API stands for Application Programming Interface. Using API calls we ordered a web server to give us some information. Different Web Servers provided with different types of API calls and "Promise" of information.

We began with using a simple API called worldtimeapi. It gave the time of any specified location on the planet.

With this you could change the continent and the city to different values: Asia/Kolkata or Europe/London etc.

The data was stored in JSON data structure. JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation.A JSON structure can hold multiple values inside { }. Each value was indexed by a name. For example, the date and time value was indexed by the name "datetime”.

World Time API:


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